Processing package details

Note: The code is not entirely object oriented due to the evolution of the package. It is predominately data structures with functions. In an ideal world, this would be refactored further into a fully object oriented design.

Below is a collection of information relevant to the processing package, presented in no particular order.

File information

File types

We refer to a few different types of ROOT files used in Overwatch:

  • “Standard file” or “Receiver file”: A file from the subsystems’ receiver which was received from the HLT and stored. This is the main Overwatch data source.
  • “Combined file”: The file which stores the most recent data for a particular run and subsystem. This is derived from standard files.
  • “Time slice”: A combined file which is composed of data from a particular time range in the run. It may also be reprocessed with a non-default set of parameters.

Received file modes

The HLT receiver can operate in two possible file modes: “cumulative mode” or “reset mode”. Since this is already explain in detail in mergeFiles.merge(...), we will just quote the description (with minor edits for clarity):

The merge is only performed if we have received new files in the specified run. The details of the merge are determined by the cumuluativeMode setting. This setting, which is determined by the options sent in the data request sent to the HLT by the ZMQ receiver, denotes whether the data that we received are reset each time the data is sent. If the data is being reset, then the files are not cumulative, and therefore cumulativeMode should be set to False.

Note that although Overwatch supports both modes, we tend to operate in cumulative mode because resetting the objects would interfere with other subscribes to the HLT data. For example, if both Overwatch and another subscriber were set to request data with resets every minute and were offset by 30 seconds, they would both only receive approximately half the data! Thus, it’s preferred to operate in cumulative mode.

File and directory layout

Overwatch relies the files of each run and subsystem being laid out in a particular structure. Using run 123456 as an illustrative example, the file layout is as follows:


With this file structure, it is possible to recreate an entire run just from the information stored in this directory structure and the files within.

Subsystem and file location subsystem

There are two possible sources of data for a subsystems within a particular run. In the standard approach, the subsystem has a dedicated receiver which stores data receiver from the HLT component corresponding to that subsystem.

However, if a subsystem doesn’t have a dedicated receiver (either in general, or just during a particular run), it can still perform processing if it also produces information through the main HLT component. For example, there are histograms relevant to both the TPC and V0 which are produced by the main HLT component. In this case, the subsystem can use the main HLT component data as an alternative data source. In particular, the fileLocationSubsystem is specified to by the HLT. When we go to process the histograms for this particular subsystem, we process files from the main HLT component and store our output within that subsystems image and json folders. The subsystem can be though of as a thin wrapper around a different data source. The benefit to such an approach is that it allows subsystems to customize processing of their own subsystem specific files, even if they haven’t built up enough infrastructure to justify a dedicated HLT component (and consequently, a receiver).

Zope Object Database (ZODB) and their object types

All information in Overwatch is stored in the ZODB object database. This database enables extremely simple storage of complicated dictionary structure and objects with little configuration or other boilerplate. However, this comes at the cost of somewhat unclear documentation. Therefore, we provide a few notes here.

  • For list-like objects, use PersistentList()
  • For dict-like objects, use either PersistentMapping or BTree. PersistentMapping is fine for small dictionaries, BTree is preferred for anything complicated or if it will contain a large number of values, since BTree can scale to hold millions of objects.
    • BTree can be optimized for limited types of keys or values. In particular, it can optimize for integers or objects. However, we usually have strings as keys, so these optimizations are not applicable for our use case. We just use BTree.OOBTree (although it is encouraged to use one of the optimized types if possible!).
  • For classes, objects should inherit from persistent.Persistent.

Note that although the types above are strongly recommended, it is also possible to store objects persistently without using such objects. It just takes more effort and care. In addition, schema evolution is possible by setting default parameters for new class fields, but again, some care must be taken. Further information on ZODB types and persistence is available here.

Schema for Overwatch

Overwatch stores information in a few different branches of the top level database object. In general, the ZODB docs encourage minimizing the number of keys stored in the database root for performance reasons. Consequently, we store only a few objects at that level.

  • Runs information is stored under the “runs” key. The value stored under this key is a BTree which stores the actual run objects.
  • Trending objects are stored under the “trending” key. The value stored under this key is a BTree which stores the actual trending objects.
  • Some configuration which we want to share between various locations is stored under the “config” key. The value stored under this key is a BTree which stores the actual config values. Note that most of the config values are store in the Overwatch config system and those values are not stored in this BTree.

Object creation

Run and subsystem objects are created in two different ways when performing the processing. If there is no existing runs database, it will be reconstructed at the beginning of processing in processAllRuns() based on the all available information which has been stored on disk. However, more frequently, new object creation is triggered by receiving new files. When these new files are received, they are moved into the Overwatch file structure, and then new objects are created in processMovedFilesIntoRuns(). Although the general procedure for creating the objects is approximately the same, there are a number of subtle details that vary between the two procedures. For further information, look at the processRuns package documentation, particular for the functions listed above.

Rebuilding is always possible

As a key principle of Overwatch, it should always be possible to rebuild the entire database from scratch. This means that allow information must be stored on disk, and that all processing must be reproducible. Although this approach takes a bit of care, it is also quite powerful, as it allows straightforward recovery from even the most catastrophic crash, as long as at least one backup of the data is available.

How histograms are distributed in processing

The plug-in architecture is described in great detail in the detector plug-in and trending system README stored in the overwatch.processing.detectors folder. However, one detail worth describing here is regarding the flow of histograms within members of the subsystemContainer during the processing. It proceeds as follows (each named dictionary is a member of subsystemContainer):

  • When histograms are first loaded from a file, they are stored in the histsInFile dictionary.
  • When new histograms are created, they are stored in the histsAvailable dictionary.
  • When creating histogram stacks, all histograms of interest need to be moved from histsInFile to histsAvailable. At that point, histsAvailable should contain all histograms which we wish to process, whether they are from the input file or were created afterwards.
  • Lastly, we attempt to classify the available histograms into histogram groups. If a histogram is successfully classified, it is stored in the hists dictionary. The histograms available in that dictionary are the final set of histograms that will actually be processed for that subsystem. This dictionary may not be the same as histsAvailable because some files contain histograms unrelated to the subsystem. For example, the HLT files sometimes contain a few V0 histograms. We may or may want to include such files; for a normal subsystem, we probably wouldn’t, but in the particular case of the HLT subsystem, we do include them because the HLT subsystem is fully inclusive.

In general, this flow of histogram can get rather complicated, so when developing new subsystem specific processing, it is extremely important to keep close track of which histograms are making it from one step to the next.

HLT Modes

There are a number of valid HLT modes. Their meaning is as follows:

HLT Mode Explanation Action
A HLT wasn't included in data taking We recieved no data, so nothing to be done (we won't see this data ever).
B HLT with no compression Process data as normal (we don't see the difference between compression included or not).
C HLT with compression Process data as normal (we don't see the difference between compression included or not).
E HLT data replay Replay of an old run for testing. This data is saved by the receiver, moved to the "ReplayData" directory, and not processed.
U HLT mode unknown The HLT mode was lost somewhere. Process data as normal. The mode is available in the logbook if needed.

Monitoring for errors

It is important to monitor Overwatch for errors and other issues. For the processing module, this monitoring is provided by sentry, which hooks into exceptions, logging, and other parts of the app to automatically provide alerts and information when issues occur.

For successful monitoring, the environment must export the DSN as export SENTRY_DSN=<value>. The value will be some sort of unique URL. Note that this endpoint is for all Overwatch monitoring, so be certain to check the traceback to determine the originating source of the issue.

For successful monitoring, the environment must export the DSN as export SENTRY_DSN_PROCESSING=<value>. The value will be some sort of unique URL. Note that this endpoint is just for Overwatch processing errors (called overwatch-processing on sentry). If it is not available, it will look for the general environment variable SENTRY_DSN.

Repeated execution

For deployment, we want to run the processing repeatedly on a time interval. This can be achieved via the processingTimeToSleep YAML configuration option. This parameter, which is specified in seconds, is the sleep time between the end of the current round of processing and the start of the next round of processing.